Forecast Weather Conditions (Issued every 4 am and 4 pm)

Location Weather Condition Caused By Impacts
Cagayan Valley, Cordillera Administrative Region, Aurora, Quezon, and Camarines Norte
Cloudy skies with rains
Northeast Monsoon
Possible flash floods or landslides due to moderate to at times heavy rains
Caraga, Eastern Samar, Southern Leyte, and Davao Oriental
Cloudy skies with scattered rains and thunderstorms
Possible flash floods or landslides due to moderate to at times heavy rains
Metro Manila and the rest of Luzon
Partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated light rains
Northeast Monsoon
No significant impact

Wind Forecast and Coastal Water Conditions

Location Speed Direction Condition / Wave Height
Coastal Water
Northern and Central Luzon
Rough / (2.8 to 4.0 meters)

Tropical Cyclone