Heavy Rainfall Warning No. 24 #VISPRSD
Weather System: Easterlies
Issued at 11:00 AM 22 March 2025
Red Warning: #Palawan(Balabac)
Associated Hazard: SERIOUS FLOODING is expected in low-lying areas and LANDSLIDES in mountainous areas.
Meanwhile, Light to Moderate with occasionally Heavy rains affecting #Palawan(Rizal, Brooke'sPoint and Bataraza) which may persist within 2 to 3 hours and may affect nearby areas.
The public and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Offices concerned are advised to MONITOR the weather condition and watch for the next warning to be issued at 02:00 PM Today.
03/22/2025 @ 5:57am
(0 sec ago)
Current Conditions
Forecast / Storm Prediction
Outside Temperature:
Indoor Temperature
High Today 25.2°C
12:00 AM
Low Today 23.8°C
5:40 AM
Yest High 31.1°C
1:36 PM
Yest Low 25.2°C
11:51 PM
Sta* High 35.1°C 3/13/2025
Sta* Low 22.3°C 1/28/2025
Space Weather Status
X-Ray: C1.5 Max: C2.2 Geomagnetic Field: 5.67
Mostly cloudy ,
Mostly cloudy
0.0 Gusting to: 0.0 km/h
Rain Total:
0.0 mm
Rain Rate:
Current CBI Fire Danger: 0.9 % of 100%
EL Nino and La Nina Scripted by PIMOHWEATHER Philippines
Saturday rain Rain, Partially cloudy with 30°C 23°C
1 Rain season in the Philippines: June 1st to Oct 31st.
5 Estimated amount of water needed to replace the water used by plants and evaporation from the past week. (Negative numbers mean amount of water needed, positive numbers mean excess water is present).
6 Air Quality Index is provided by Luftdaten System esp8266 and is updated every 5 mins..
10 Historical average only to day 22 of just the month of March for this station since 2016.
11 Historical average rain this season to day 22 of March for this station since 2016.
VC Weather Forecast -
with local Weather Outlook for Saturday & Sunday
Saturday rain Rain, Partially cloudy 30°C 23°C
VC forecast: Partly cloudy throughout the day with morning rain. Chance of precipitation (rain) 100%. High: 30°C. Low: 23°C. Wind ENE 19->21 km/h. UV Index 7. Local Weather Advisory: Issued at 4:00 AM, 22 March 2025 SYNOPSIS: Shear Line affecting Visayas. Northeast Monsoon affecting Luzon.
Sunday Partially cloudy 31°C 22°C
VC forecast: Partly cloudy throughout the day. High: 31°C. Low: 22°C. Wind ENE 15->18 km/h. UV Index 10.